Have you ever experienced a live view of the mountains and craters on the Moon? Or the majestic rings of Saturn? Or the moons of Jupiter which can be seen moving in orbit, hour by hour around the giant planet?
Galileo first pointed a telescope skyward in 1609. After his first few nights of wonder, he wrote in his journal, “I render infinite thanks to God, for making me alone the first observer of marvels hidden in obscurity for all previous centuries.”
For most people, that first glimpse at the heavens through a telescope is an unbelievable experience that no photograph can prepare them for. They often exclaim, “that can’t be real! You stuck a picture on the end of the tube!” Indeed, the first look—or even the thousandth look—is amazing.
We are very excited to invite you to share in Galileo’s wondrous journey as we commence regular evening Star Parties on the street outside our Danforth Ave. location. We will be setting up a telescope outside our store, beginning at dusk, for one or more nights around the time of the first quarter moon each month (weather permitting).
If you would like to be a sidewalk astronaut without needing any NASA training, please sign up here and we will inform you of our launch dates. The Apollo astronauts took 3 days to reach the Moon in 1969—you will be there at the speed of light!
Photographer Peter Roth will be our guide on this journey into the infinite sky. “In my pursuit of astrophotography, I wish to inspire people to feel beyond the everyday stress of ordinary life, into something profound and wondrous: the miracle of existence.”
–Peter Roth
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photos courtesy of Peter Roth