Petrified Wood



3 x 2 x 2 cm

14 in stock

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In the Tertiary Period, vast rainforests blanketed the many 
islands of Indonesia. Erupting volcanoes buried these forests in 
deep ash and lava, killing off microbes that would have rotted the
 wood. Over eons of time, surrounding minerals leached into the 
wood, leaving much of the grain patterning intact – a remarkable 
record of ancient life on Earth! The many colours come from 
minerals, such as agate, chalcedony and opal. Consider with 
wonder that you are looking at the remains of a tree that once 
provided food and shelter for the dinosaurs, 200 million years 
ago! Petrified Wood is said to be a powerful stone for removing 
obstacles, smoothing the path for success in one’s endeavours. We
carry Petrified wood from all over the world, mainly, U.S.A 
(Arizona, Oregon, Washington), Madagascar, and Indonesia. Species
include Oak, Sequoia and Sycamore.