Lapis Lazuli Sphere


Natural Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan

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Natural Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan

Lapis Lazuli is an ancient gem, with a storied history. Ancient
Egyptians used Lapis as a symbol of truth. They made a practice of
burying a Lapis Lazuli scarab with their dead, and believed it to offer
protection. The very earliest cultures valued Lapis Lazuli more highly
than gold. Some believed that dreaming of Lapis foretold love that
would be forever faithful. Revered for its beauty, Lapis has been
used in the decorative arts throughout history. The mask of King Tut
is inlaid with Lapis and Ancient Egyptians used ground Lapis in eye
makeup and paint. Leonardo Da Vinci used Lapis as pigment in his
blue paints. As a metaphysical tool, Lapis enhances self-expression,
self-awareness and spiritual communication.

Additional information

Weight .018 kg
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 2 cm