Black Onyx


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Prized by ancient Greeks and Romans as a hard and lustrous stone,
Onyx has long been considered perfect for carving and jewelery.
Its name comes from the Greek word “Onux”, meaning fingernail. It
is fabled that Cupid cut the fingernails of Venus with an arrow and
the scattered clippings were turned to stone so that no part of the
heavenly body would perish. Metaphysically, Onyx is best known as a
protective stone that helps release negative emotions such as sorrow
and grief. It is thought to increase personal strength, vigor, stamina,
perseverance, and self-confidence so it is considered helpful for
athletes. Onyx is also said to increase self-control, wise decision-
making, happiness, good fortune and ease in one’s surroundings.3 cm x 2.5 cm x 2 cm

Additional information

Weight .020 kg
Dimensions 3 × 2.5 × 2 cm