Megalodon Shark Tooth


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Megalodons were enormous sharks that cruised the world’s oceans 25 million years ago, surviving up until the last Ice Age or longer. Megalodon Tooth literally means “giant tooth.” The Megalodon shark was as long as a railway boxcar (60 feet). Weighing up to 100,000 lbs (8 times more than today’s Great White Shark), its 6 ft jaw held 7” long, serrated teeth. Feeding on whales and everything else (even its own kind), the Megalodon was the most fearsome and voracious predator ever to have lived on Earth. In 1963, Two Megalodon teeth were found at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, dating back 25,000 and 11,000 years. Some shark researchers imagine these awesome sharks may still survive in the deepest, darkest depths of the oceans.