For thousands of years, people of many cultures have used gems and minerals for healing and transformative purposes. Independent of one another, these diverse and distant groups have often reached similar conclusions about the properties of gems and minerals. This being said, gemstone properties are not definitive. The modern crytal lover must use thier own intuition and inner guidance when working with the energies of the mineral kingdom. Your personal feeling about a stone or crystal is more valid than anything you may read. Quite simply, if a stone feels good to you, it is likely a good choice for you. So consider this list as merely a place to begin… Below are the traditional symbolic meanings, properties and uses of Crystals and Gems.
Abalone Shell: harmony in relationships, gentleness, intuition
Agate: protection, confidence, luck, strength
Blue Lace: calms and soothes nerves
Botswana: exploring the unknown, being true to oneself
Crazy Lace: laughter, decision making, focus, protection
Dalmation: joy, cheerfulness, humour
Dendritic: abundance, enjoyment of each moment
Fire: vitality, energy, overcoming addictions
Moss: balances emotions, strengthens positive traits
Tree: relaxation, abundance, contemplation, healthy plants
Alexandrite: believed to be a master healer, regenerative, creativity, manifestation
Amazonite: well-being and health, calms emotions (worry, fear)
Amber: regarded as a powerful healing stone, sacred to native cultures, memory
Amethyst: spirituality, meditation, creativity, addiction release, restful sleep
Ametrine: peace, lifts depression, clarity, releases blockages
Ammonite: seen as healing, energy flow in body (Feng Shui), luck
Ammolite: protection stone, childbirth, supports new projects
Anandalite: reveals soul’s purpose, joy, clearing, balancing
Angel Aura: clearing, contact with Angels, past-life remembrance
Angelite: peace, balance, awareness, connectivity to Angels
Apache Tear: protects aura from negativity, comfort in grief, luck
Apatite: creativity, intellect, reduces appetite
Apophyllite: meditation, connection to spiritual realms
Aqua Aura: inner beauty, intuition, communication, calmness
Aquamarine: clarity, calmness, tolerance
Aragonite: centering, patience, meditation
Astrophyllite: heightens perception, releases old patterns
Atlantisite: peace, calmness, emotional balance, awareness
Aventurine: said to heal childhood and life traumas, soothes suffering
Aventurine (blue): patience, mental/emotional flexibility, strength to endure illness and pain
Azeztulite: enlightenment, evolution, purity, positivity, flow
Azeztulite (gold): master manifestation stone, openness to Spirit and flow, harmonizes actions with will, focuses intention
Barite Rose: stimulates dreaming and dream recall, motivation
Beryl: sociability, relationship
Bismuth: helps with feelings of isolation, help a team achieve its goals
Bloodstone: good heart, circulation, vitality
Boji Stone: grounding, balances male and female energy
Bronzite: willpower, confidence, empowerment
Angel Wing: spirituality, meditation, relaxation
Cobaltoan: love, compassion, self-discovery (life purpose)
Blue: calmness of mind and emotions
Green: wisdom, applying past lessons to the present, soothes pain (migraines)
Optical: regarded as a healer, for clearer vision, communication
Orange: joy, happiness, humour
Pink (mangano): forgiveness, love, releases fear/grief/anxiety
Red: willpower, vitality, uplifting, removes stagnant energy
White: new beginnings, motivation, purification
Carnelian: energy, prosperity, business success, awareness
Cat’s Eye: intuition, confidence, happiness, good luck
Celestite: celestial connections, spirituality, calmness
Chalcedony: creativity, artistic expression, goodwill
Chalcopyrite: (peacock ore), perception, protection
Charoite: openings, opportunities, new possibilities, optimism
Chiastolite: protection, balances left and right brain
Chrysacolla: balances and clears emotions (fear, guilt, anxiety, tension), feminine healer
Chrysoprase: awakening hidden talents and true potential
Citrine: prosperity, abundance, joy, manifestation of your visions
Clevelandite: life changes, equanimity, intuition, transformation
Copper: arthritis and rheumatism, joint pain relief
Covelite: promotes humility, well-being, self-acceptance, self-love
Creedite: procrastination, decisions, access ancient knowledge
Danburite: opens the heart, cooperation, enhances intellect
Desert Rose: grounding, clarity of thought, serenity
Diamond: purity, clarity of the Higher Self, faithfulness
Dioptase: forgiveness, release, acceptance of change
Dumortierite: organization, discipline, acceptance of reality
Emerald: tranquility, virtue, love, prosperity
Epidote: enhances perception, offers courage and self-esteem
Fairy Stones: friendship, prosperity, protection, good luck
Flint: strength and insight to deal with stressful situations
Fluorite: harmony, balance, meditation, brings order to chaos
Fulgurite: transformation, prophecy, manifestation
Garnet: sexuality, emotional depth and commitment
Garnet (black): honesty, truth, dispels negative emotions
Garnet (green): confidence, stability in challenges
Gold: symbol for immortality, eternity and excellence
Goldstone: ambition, energy, courage, confidence, optimism
Goldstone (blue): expansive vision, creativity, self expression
Hematite: grounding, memory, concentration
Hemimorphite (blue): self-development, inner strength
Hemimorphite (pink): goal-setting, responsibility, relieves angst
Herkimer Diamond: believed to be healing, magnifies energy and intention
Hiddenite: new beginnings, acceptance, links mind and heart
Howlite: restful sleep, self-acceptance, generosity, releases anger
Hypersthene: self-esteem, expression, ease in social situations
Infinite: (regarded as a healer’s stone) for healing physical and emotional pain
Iolite: spirituality, inner guidance, soul connection
Jade: love, attraction, good luck, prosperity
Jade (lemurian): wisdom, gratitude, protection, balances male and female energy, good for couples
Jasper: grounding, will-power, organization, honesty, imagination
Green: said to be for health/healing, rejuvenating sleep, empathy, compassion
Leopard Skin: spiritual discovery, considered to be self-healing
Ocean: joy, high spirits, self-love, benevolence
Picture: harmony, releases repression, alleviates fear
Polychrome: stability, passion, vitality, balances emotions
Rainforest: meditation, change and progress
Red: protection against negativity, insight, dream recall
Zebra: procrastination, endurance, action towards goals
Jet: reduces mood swings, depression and fears
Kunzite: opens the heart, strengthens the mind against mental illness
Kyanite: spirituality, balances chakras, tranquility, loyalty, honesty
Kyanite (black): decisiveness, clears blocked energy
Labradorite: strength, personal growth, life changes
Labradorite (golden): visualization, clairvoyance, channeling
Lapis Lazuli: self-expression, communication, creativity
Larimar: tranquility, new perspectives, release of old patterns
Lepidolite: reduces stress, despondency, mental illness
Lodestone: magnetic, draws out pain from tissues
Malachite: transformation, releases unconscious trauma
Meteorite: for contemplation upon infinity, space and time
Mica: grounds one in reality and positivity
Moldavite: accelerated spiritual growth and evolution
Mookaite: dream exploration, grounding, connection to Earth
Moonstone: travel protection, calms emotions, intuition
Moonstone (rainbow): travel, luck, beginnings and endings, nurtures feminine energies and cycles
Moqui Ball: vision quests, balances male/female energies
Morganite: Divine love, attracts love, trust, inner joy, strength
Mother of Pearl: peace, believed to hold the healing energy of the sea, equanimity
Nebula Stone: renewal, fulfillment, highest aspirations
Nuummite: (magician’s stone) protection, grounding, meditation
Black: protection from negativity, strengthens energy field
Mahogany: strength, belief, faith
Rainbow: prophesy, psychic ability, perception, acute senses
Sheen: hidden talents, aligns one’s will to the Divine Will
Snowflake: purity, balances mind, body and spirit, change
Onyx (black): protection, alleviates grief
Opal: hope, good dreams, childbirth
Opal (fire): awakens inner fire, hope, success in business
Opal (peruvian blue): soothing, enhances communication
Orgonite: protection from EMF, transmutation of energy
Pearl: faith, charity, innocence, overcoming oppression and pain
Peridot: clarity, patience, positive outlook
Petalite: higher awareness, insight, consider for familial healing, vision quests
Phenacite: clears, cleanses, activates chakras, spiritual growth
Picasso Stone: (artist stone) removes artistic blocks, creative inspiration, self-discipline, friendship
Pietersite: balances chakras, meditation, conflict resolution
Petrified Wood: past-life recall, longevity
Prehnite: receptivity, self-love, spiritual growth, boosts immunity
Pyrite: protection from negative vibrations, very grounding
Pyrite Sun: strengthens mind, luck, optimism in difficult times
Quartz Crystal: (regarded as a master healer) magnifies energy/intentions
Brandberg: compassion, forgiveness, believed to be for healing
Candle: insight into life mission, fulfillment, hope, faith, belief
Double Terminated: focuses energy through both points
Elestial: (regarded as a master healer) transformation, wisdom
Lemurian Seed: equality, unconditional love, spirituality
Nirvana: unconditional love, elevated consciousness
Phantom: patience, trust in the universe, for stagnation
Rose: opens the heart to give and receive love
Rutilated: freedom, repels negativity, balances emotions/body
Satya Mani: clarifies energy, inner truth, spiritual awareness
Smoky: learning, thinking, creativity, protects from negativity
Snow: wonder, innocence, hope, awareness, control of tantrums
Star Rose: radiates unconditional love
Tangerine: open-mindedness, eases shock and trauma
Tibetan: connects to “Om” and ancient cultures, centering
Rhodochrosite: love, balance, heart, sexuality, finding soulmate
Rhodonite: love, forgiveness, understanding, opens one’s heart
Rhyolite: believed to be for past-life healing, moving forward, self-respect
Rose Aura: helps with emotional trauma, forgiveness, loving-kindness
Ruby: passion, courage, strength, virtue, commitment, protection
Ruby in Fuchsite: positivity, self-worth, composure
Sandstone: creativity, understanding, cohesiveness, solidarity
Sapphire: wisdom, joy, mental peace, intuition, awareness of beauty
Sardonyx: strength, willpower, integrity, stamina, vigour, happiness and stability in marriage and partnerships
Scolecite: expressions of love, pleasant dreams/sleep, team spirit
Selenite: energy, calms hyperactivity, balances confusion, decisions
Selenite (fishtail): awakens inner child, stabilizes emotions
Selenite (peach): emotional transformation, self-acceptance
Septarian: open communication in groups, flexibility, tolerance
Seraphinite: Divine Feminine, living from the heart, angelic connections, enlightenment
Serpentine: clears paths for Kundalini to rise, meditation
Shattuckite: reconciliation, renewal, harmony
Shiva Lingam: unites male and female energy, wisdom, clarity
Shungite: (stone of life) EMF protection, recovery
Sodalite: facilitates group functions, self expression, truth, trust
Specularite: protection, grounding, manifesting talents, said to be for healing
Spirit Quartz: cooperation and intimacy in relationships
Staurolite: (fairy cross) protection, group rituals and prayers,
Stibnite: journeying, releases negativity, helps cut unwanted ties
Stilbite: creativity, intuition, openness, potent detoxifier
Stromatolite: persistence, stability, maturity, versatility, brainstorming, good for group think tanks
Sugilite: regarded as a powerful healer, awareness, self-confidence, conflict resolution, reduces over-sensitivity
Sulphur: absorbs negativity, removes barriers to progress
Sunstone: warms the heart, lifts and rejuvenates the spirit, contact with spirit guides, luck
Tanzanite: leadership, speaking the truth, links heart, mind, voice
Tektite: strengthen aura, enjoyment of the present, balances male and female energies, releases fear
Tiger Eye: wealth, manifestation, patience, focus, courage, confidence, will-power, determination
Blue: communication, reduces stress and phobias, public speaking, calms quick tempers
Red: composure, creativity, cooperation, quick thinking/action
Topaz (blue): reliability in word and action, truthfulness, forgiveness, maturity, vision
Topaz (imperial golden): health and wealth, inspiration, personal success, optimism, eliminates procrastination
Black: protects against negativity, radiation and external influences, promotes relaxation and sleep
Green: abundance, health, environmental awareness, goodwill
Pink: trust in love, communication, understanding in conflict
Watermelon: activates heart chakra, love, friendship, security
In Quartz: strength, self-acceptance, compassion, harmony
Turquoise: (regarded as a master healer) travel protection, intuition, friendship
Ulexite: dream interpretation, revelation, clarity of vision
Unakite: seen to be a past-life healer, psychic vision, negates EMF fields
Vesuvianite: inquiry, cooperation, lifts anger, depression, fear
Zincite: manifestation, energy, creativity, personal strength
Zoisite: truth, clarity, decisiveness, manifestation of true self
Zoisite with Ruby: psychic ability, altered states, creativity